Sunday, 28 March 2010

Mens Health "Preventing Shoulder Surgery"

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The Rotators Cuff is compiled of 4 muscles connected to your shoulder blade which meets at the arm bone, the "Humerus".These are called the Supraspinatus,Infraspinatus, Teres Minor and Subscapularis. They all purposely inserting in different areas of the scapula on one side. Now with such a complicated grouping, to provide stability to the arm movement, such as elevations and rotations. It can be hard to get motivated and feel as if you can recover. But ALL rotators cuff injuries can be cured with the proper rehab and exercises..

Rehab Can be Costly and Time Consuming

Which is why their are exercises that if done with persistence can make your injury recovery so much faster.

Such exercises should be implemented to speed up the healing process, reduce inflammation naturally, and cut down recovery times following surgery, manipulation, traumas and tears, or simply to cure Impingement Syndrome, Bursitis, Tendonitis or a Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis). As diverse as these disorders are, they all benefit from a specific program where the person afflicted by pain, stiffness, and long recovery times can reduce inflammation, eliminate drugs, cut recovery times to a fraction, and restore quality of life.

Most people rely on medications that soothe un-naturally the pain and swelling but leave them in a state of inactivity and intoxication. When in fact a simple rotator cuff muscle exercise devised by a professional therapist can and will bring back strength and flexibility in as little as a few weeks, making it a lot quicker then most methods that take months and depending on age "years".

Given the complexity of a shoulder joint, it is best to stick to professional exercises, not drug medications and random methods practiced here and their, because they in some cases can do more harm then good.

By Channon Rudolph

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Thursday, 25 March 2010

Mens Health Problem - Male Infertility

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There are following kinds of male infertility:

1. Secretory infertility.

Innate form - testicles abnormality.

Acquired form - consequences of infective diseases influence for testicles, of lasting supercooling, nutrition disorder, radiation and x-ray injuries (infectious parotitis, typhus, influenza, syphilis, malaria, tuberculosis, alcoholism, lack of vitamins A and E in food, blood circulation failure in testicles).

Normospermatogenic sterility.

Innate form - obstruction of spermoducts, determined by abnormalities of development of epididymises (testicle appendages), spermoducts, spermatocysts, by hypospadias, epispadias, etc.

Acquired form - inflammatory or posttraumatic urethra injuries; bilateral specific or unspecific epididymitis; inflammatory or traumatic injuries of spermoducts after surgeries; chronic prostatitis, vesiculitis, etc.

Associated infertility - secretory failure of sex glands of different genesis combined with obstruction or intoxication occurrences.

Immunologic Infertility.

Other (unclassified) infertility forms – relative, aspermatism, retrograde ejaculation, etc.

By anna_lev

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Sunday, 21 March 2010

Mens Health and Fitness - Why You Must Get Off Your Backside And Get Back In Shape

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Although the United States is one of the technologically most developed and industrialized nations of the world, but still in a serious behind other countries when it comes to mens fitness and health. Might be interested to learn (and surprising) that in the United States, more men than any other country in the world are overweight. Part of the problem could be to spend the focus of American society on the working conditions that American dream realized, rather than every time to takewith your friends, family or even yourself. The most important time of the day is "me time" in which many people will take a while to relax, or engage in too.

Another problem in American men, the level of the stresses that many of them living in today's society. In an up and down economy can be sometimes difficult to come to make ends meet, especially when to do a family that must be supported. Instead of exercising or attempting to other methods of relaxation, manyAmerican men find solace by eating too much. The term "too much" is an understatement for some people, especially with the fast food joints available, buffets on every corner and the constant TV commercials fist on the term "drive-through now, and to 1.00 clock" to mind.

Even if America is the highest number of overweight people than any other country it is still time to do something about it. It really is never too late to take the initiative about your physical fitness and health. There are so many ways to help promote and maintain Men's Fitness that it's easy with the right motivation and lose fitness program for men, weight, and back in shape. Some of the weight loss and fitness facilities, the men are joining a gym or one of the many fitness centers available to invest in some home fitness equipment, reading up on physical fitness articles and magazines. The possibilities are practically unlimited, and it just depends on what works best for individuals.

By saichon sannok

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Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Mens Health Fitness and Tips

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While the life-expectancy gap between men and women has decreased, it's no secret that men still need to pay more attention to their bodies. Several things work against men. More than 50 percent of American men and women do not get enough physical activity to provide health benefits. Men's Health Network (MHN) is a non-profit educational organization comprised of physicians, researchers, public health workers, individuals and other health professionals. Understanding the health risks for men is a crucial part in maintaining a healthy life. Mens are smoke and drink more than women, and generally lead less healthy lifestyles

What you eat and drink and what you don't eat and drink can definitely make a difference to your health.

Mens health is committed to improving the health and wellness of men through education campaigns, partnerships with retailers and other private entities, workplace health programs, data collection, and work with health care providers to provide better programs and funding for men's health needs. Balancing obligations to your employer and your family can be challenging.

Health problems in men

Based on your age, health history, lifestyle, and other important issues, you and your health care provider can determine how often you need to be examined and screened for certain diseases and conditions. Males are at increased risk for some injuries and conditions. Motor vehicle traffic, poisonings, and falls are the leading causes of unintentional injury deaths for males.

heart disease
physically transmitted diseases

By Rachel Broune

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Thursday, 11 March 2010

Important Reasons Why Mens Health Should Be Taken Seriously

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Mens health is an important issue facing everyone today, not just men. It becomes increasingly important for men to take an active role in their health as they age, as the older your are the more illness prone you become. The first step is to know that you're at risk, that way you know what to look for. From heart disease and stroke to cancer, some things are unavoidable no matter what you try to do to avoid them. Still, there are certain steps you can take to minimize your risk. Also, there are things you can do to catch potentially deadly illnesses (for example, prostate cancer) before they have a chance to develop into something that can't be treated.

The first step, as any doctor will tell you, is to exercise and eat a proper diet. Deep fried chicken wings and nachos are not items that a well balanced diet consists of, so try to eat more salads and lean protein. There are little substitutions you can make that can drastically improve mens health. The next time you go to the grocery store, instead of buying ground meat that is 15 percent fat choose a leaner version. It usually doesn't cost much more than an extra dollar or so per pound and it's well worth the health benefit. Also, instead of buying chicken that has the skin on it, choose the boneless, skinless kind. It's easier to cook and eat, plus you avoid a ton of extra calories and fat grams.

Obviously, exercising regularly is going to have a huge impact on mens health. Regular check ups by a doctor are also really important, as that's how you get screened for a lot of potential health problems. Additionally, if you currently smoke or use smokeless tobacco, you should definitely look into quitting. There are all kinds of programs that can help you kick the habit, including online and in person support groups and nicotine chewing gum and patches.

By John R. Davis

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Wednesday, 10 March 2010

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